In this increasingly connected world, a deep understanding of Basic Computer Network Engineering and Telecommunications is key to success in the digital era. One of the crucial elements of this foundation is an understanding of computer networking equipment. This article invites us to explore the foundation of computer networking equipment in the Basic curriculum. Opening the horizons of knowledge that will shape experts in this field. The following What Are The Computer Network Cables in Office from
Table Of Content :
1. Introduction to Computers and Basic Networking
Computers and Basic Networks are things that are always related to each other. Because computers are currently more often used in doing many things, not just counting.

Definition of Computer
Computers are tools used to process data, initially computers were used to perform arithmetic calculations, with the advancement of technological developments and currently there are many developments that occur including the function of the computer itself.
A computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks, namely receiving input, processing input in accordance with the instructions given, storing commands and processing results, and providing output in the form of information.
Personal Computer (PC), Laptop, Netbook or Notebook, and many others include several types of computers.
Network Equipment
In managing a local network, such as in a computer lab, it definitely requires tools that are used to support so that the process of installing a network can run smoothly. Here are some of the equipment needed to support the process.
2. Introduction to Computer Network Cable
The use of network cables in the management or network installation process is very important, there are 2 types such as wired and Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cable is a network cable consisting of 2 layers of conductors, the first layer is in the middle in the form of copper wire and the second layer is above the insulator layer made of metal or commonly referred to as metal sheilded which functions to prevent outside interference.
Coaxial cable has a working principle by delivering electrical signals from source to destination. This cable can be used to connect between computer devices. In the use of coaxial cables, it is often used for network use with high bandwidth because it is safer from all interference. Currently, coaxial cables are starting to be abandoned by users because BNC ports on computers are rarely found.
Advantages and Cons of Coaxial Cable
Advantages :
- The price is cheaper than other types of network cables
- The range of speed and data transmission is faster
- Low risk of signal loss
- Longer usage period
- Has a maximum length range limitation
- Cable is vulnerable to weather, temperature and load factors
- BNC connector installation is difficult
- Although the cable is cheap, the maintenance cost is high
- Requires additional repeaters, and the following are the types of network cables
Twisted Pair Cable
The next network cable is the Twisted Pair Cable, this cable is what is often used today, at least for one computer room, such as a Computer LAB using this cable. Twisted Pair cable has 8 cables of 2 pairs each, and has a different cable color.

The following are the types of Twisted Pair Cables :
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
UTP cable is a type of Twisted Pair cable, this cable does not have a shield inside the cable, this type of cable is widely used because the price is cheaper than other Twisted Pair cables.
FTP (Foiled Twisted Pair)
FTP cable is also a type of Twisted Pair cable that has a protective layer, namely aluminum foil on the inside of the cable which has a function to block electromagnetic wave interference that can affect the internet.
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)
STP cable is a Twisted Pair cable that has a protective layer of aluminum foil and also wraps each pair of copper wires on the STP cable. The following are examples of Twisted Pair cables (Types include CAT5, CAT5E, CAT 6).
Cable Sequence on Twisted Pair :

Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber Optic Cable is a cable made using material from glass or very small plastic which has a size of 120 micrometers, this cable can transmit data faster than other cables including Coaxial or Twisted Pair. Fiber optic cable speeds can reach 100Gbps with distances of up to thousands of kilometers. And this is the current factor that ISPs, cable internet service providers, choose fiber optic cables.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable
Advantages of Fiber Optic Cable
- High speed data transmission
- Large bandwidth up to Gigabit
- Wide coverage area
- Cables are more durable from extreme natural disturbances
- Low maintenance costs
- Able to withstand electromagnetic interference
- Strong security features
Disadvantages of Fiber Optic Cable
- The price is the most expensive compared to other types of cables
- Complicated installation process
- Need a large investment when installing
- Not just any technician can repair when damage occurs.
Computer network cables are the physical connections that link devices together in a network. They transmit data between computers, servers, and other network devices, enabling communication and resource sharing. Understanding different types of network cables and their applications is essential for building reliable and efficient computer networks.